
Finding the lies in advertising.

More About Me

I'm a usual media consumer. I love to expose myself to all forms of media. Every time I have something to say about a certain advertisement, someone will tell me to blog about it. That thought prompted me to start this blog.

A Blog about Ads

Yes, this is a blog about my observation on the different ads that caught my attention. If you have something to say, blog about it. Express your opinion and let them know your stand. One voice is enough to make a change in the way some advertisements are shown. Make your move. ;)

It's been a while...

Since my last post, I never got to update this with my latest observation and opinion about advertising.

But since I get a new dress for this blog. This inspires me to post some more. Please watch out for my newest posts in the coming days. ;)

Is the job Internet Assessor TRUE?

I received an email today about this job post. I find this doable since all you need to do is to meet their requirements, spend extra time online and accomplish some writing tasks. Want to take a look on the requirements for Internet assessors. Check the details below.


The skill set for this job is not high-tech, candidates need to be familiar with browsing the internet, be able to read and write fluent English, and have high-speed access to internet. Specifically:

* Reading and writing in English is a mandatory requirement for program participation
* For cultural and historical awareness purposes, you must be resident in the country for 5 consecutive years
* You should be familiar with using both Internet browsers and content, and have access to a computer with a high-speed internet connection
* You need to be motivated to apply your knowledge in a way that improves the browsing experience on the Web
* You must be a mature person capable of managing your time to spend 10-20 hours per week in rating various online services and software
* You can be a college student, teacher, retired person, on-line shopper, stay-at-home parent or professional from any field

I was about to update my resume and send it when I decided to check some more information online. Here's an interesting detail about a persons 'experience' as an Internet Assessor.

From Free Press Release
United States of America (Press Release) November 30, 2007 -- I used to work for Lionbridge ( as an internet assessor. I worked for them since the launch of the program early 2006 so really I'm like a pioneer! They told me to take the job then and told me there would be many advancements for hard workers later, and so on.

I used to be an Arabic Rater (Egypt) until recently actually when I received an email out of no where telling me I'd been removed from the rating program due to "unacceptable quality issues" which is really more than strange. This is an email that has been sent to many other raters without any further explanation or change of wording. I find this totally unprofessional from Lionbridge and I wonder if the upper Lionbridge management team are fully aware of what's going on (the way raters are removed from the program).

I'm really upset. Raters are removed without proper justification and they're NOT treated with respect, professionalism and appreciation. I was TOTALLY ignored for one month before being removed.

I feel humiliated. Instead of getting a "Thank you" note for working for them for almost two years and for my hard work (given the fact that we were evaluated all the time and I always did so well. They've been discahrging people with the same standard email without prior notice, so please be ware. This is not a company to be trusted.

Lionbridge team is unprofessional and absurd. Please be ware. Don't work for them!


Now I still keep my resume ready but I am still thinking if this job post is worth my time and effort.

What's your take on this job post? Till next post.

Truth In Advertising?

I once worked in a paper company and part of my job was creating print ads and having them published. Our company was a member of PANA (Philippine Association of National Advertisers) and up until I left, the only benefit that I believe our company was getting from that organization was a certain percentage discount on our print advertising costs. Nothing more that I know of.

Truth in advertising. I have published ads in major newspapers each boasting a claim: our ballpen writes for miles, never a broken line, never a crooked line, etc. These were just assumptions me and my boss made up.

I'm admitting here that I lied in the copy I wrote (I was required by my boss). And I'm not proud with it.

What I'm saying here is what does the PANA actually does in terms of "truth in advertising"? We never submitted our ads to them for checking prior to publication so how can they monitor and eventually regulate the claims made in every ad? Are they even capable of doing such monitoring?

I doubt it. But they sure made my bosses happy with the discount they were getting.

PLDT DSL? Goodluck.

What can you say about your PLDT DSL service? If you're not yet a subscriber, think twice before you take advantage of this servicer from PLDT. I experienced a lot of trouble getting my DSL connected for hours.

I was a subscriber for Plan 999, also a frequent caller on their technical support hotline 171. I really cannot stand the thought of not using this service consistently as I am paying this monthly with my hard-earned money.

Take time to view this testimonial from their website. Is he the only subscriber that gets a good service from them? Did he never experience having a not-so-good dsl connection in his entire subscription period? I wonder if they also considered getting comments from their residential customers. We can fill a lot of pages in their website under complaints section.

So if you consider getting a MyPLDT DSL, here are two words for you...


Your thoughts? Please take time to participate in the poll and send us your comments.

Gabby Concepcion as LUCIDA Endorser

It was really a surprise for me that Gabby Concepcion will endorse a skin whitening product. How effective will he be as an endorser? Everyone knew that he had a rosy-white skin through the years.

This product was endorsed by other celebrities before. How different will he be from the rest of the 'fair-skinned' endorsers of Lucida? I hope the head honchos made the right decision this time.

What's your take on this issue?

KFC's Go-Go Sandwich

Have you ever tried KFC's Go-Go Sandwich? It actually pains me to post this very first entry with it as the topic. I love the sandwich especially the Caesar's variety. But it always bothers me that every time I look at their overhead menu and get the actual sandwich, they don't look exactly alike.

The one on the menu is bulging with fillings: chicken bits, lettuce, etc. But do try to order it and you will get a completely closed pita sandwich. The fillings don't come even close to the one they advertise.
